Friday, January 16, 2009

Task A - Telnet

This post was a long time coming however intially i was having problems with the Telnet application...or so I thought I was.

Firstly because i'm using Windows Vista and have never used Telnet before i read up on the "Help and How to" section and downloaded telnet form here. It looked great and I was very proud to have successfully downloaded it however when i typed in "" this message showed:

Welcome to Microsoft Telnet ClientEscape Character is 'CTRL+]'Microsoft Telnet> Command. type ?/help for helpMicrosoft Telnet>

I couldn't work it out - i typed it exactly how it was written in the cirriculum page so i was unsure how my command was wrong. So after a while of searching the Internet to find my answer i asked my fellow Net11 students and thanks Hans you had what i needed. I left the "o" from the beginning of the command.

I have been MIA for a while due to problems with my internet connection so I also wanted to say thanks to everyone else who replied to my post; Lindsay, Cynthia and Monique.

As this was my first experience my intial thoughts were that it is a very basic way to gain information from other databases around the world. Once I got over my initial problem and I was in the Deakin library I was surprised at how fast and easy it was to use. It is a very straight forward way of collecting information so for searching for resources in a database- it was perfect to use.

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