Monday, February 23, 2009

Module 2 - Email lists

What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards? Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other?

Email list
pros (+) information you are interested in as you signed up for it, can have attachments, are kept for as long as you want them
cons (-) can't talk in real-time, can retrieve mail from partner companies, if you don't know how to use foldersin email specific emails can be hard to find (unorganised).

Discussion boards
pros (+) can talk in real time, wide and diverse range of audience , when threads are used correctly they can be more organised and topics are easier to find.
cons (-) can be cut off depending on discussion board server, can be subject to negative comments (racist, sexist etc.)

I think if you subscribe to an email list for company information, product updates and information that is targeted to you it can be quite useful and if your receiving them on behalf of a company you work for however as they are can build up quite quickly and can be hard to organise.

Discussion boards are sometimes hard to follow with so many different people sharing their opinion at once however if they are organised correctly with people using threads correctly you can easily seach for a subject you are looking for.

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